
Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva DOCG 2017 – Maraviglia

Original price was: £24.90.Current price is: £21.20.

“Grappoli D’Oro” Golden Grapes is the best way to define the viticultural history of their Riserva of Verdicchio di Matelica. It represents the embodiment of their philosophy, the pursuit of the ultimate expression of Verdicchio. The winemaking process is dedicated only to the grape clusters that have reached perfect ripeness and are in optimal health, with green-golden hues. Aged in toasted wood, after a year, the result is a wine with a complex sensory profile of aromatic fruit salad and strong tertiary notes of mineralization, spiciness, and alcohol warmth, often complemented by hints of menthol, liquorice, dried apricot, and honey. Its color is yellow with golden reflections. The nose is rich, slight toasting, yellow floral, and oxidative tertiary aromas. This wine is excellent with white meats, elaborately prepared fish, medium-aged and aged cheeses, all Italian pasta dishes, as well with savoury appetisers. It is perfect to share during evening conversations.

Availability: In stock

SKU: MARA-VERD-RIS-1775-1-1 Categories: , , , , , ,

Stone fruit
Dried fruit




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Food Pairing
Cheese (hard, mature)




Since 2004, the winery has dedicated itself every day to its vineyards, which extend for about 13 hectares in the Pianné locality of Matelica. Over the years, they have perfected their activity, creating precious bonds with the territory, nourished by passion, research for excellence, and attention to detail throughout the production process. The annual production of 30,000 bottles is divided into six labels. From father to son, Filippo Maraviglia, today joined by his sons Davide and Ivan, left the city to dedicate himself to the vineyards with passion, ambition, and deep respect for the nature and traditions of this territory. Since the beginning, the roots on which they decided to found their company have been indissolubly linked to the territory that welcomed them. The success of their wines is due to these lands, their sense of belonging to them, and the respect that derives from it.
Their vineyards are located in the Pianné locality of Matelica. Located in the center of the valley between Mount S. Vicino to the east, Mount Catria to the west, and the Sibillini Mountains to the south, the Matelica area is in fact the only one in the Marche region to be arranged transversely, generating a microclimate perfect for viticulture. It is in these favourable conditions that they produce wines, committing themselves to maintain the promise of a wine strictly linked to the local tradition, while at the same time trying to improve year after year to confirm its excellence.

Verdicchio di Matelica

Verdicchio di Matelica is produced in the Matelica area of the Marche region, which is located in central Italy. The grape variety is exclusively grown in this area and is subject to strict regulations regarding the grape yield, vinification methods and ageing requirements.
The grapes used are typically harvested by hand in early September. After fermentation, the wine is aged on its lees for several months, which adds complexity and depth to the wine’s flavour.
Verdicchio di Matelica is a versatile wine that can be enjoyed young, but also has excellent ageing potential. It can be aged in the bottle for several years, developing additional flavours and aromas over time.
The wine is typically medium to full-bodied, with a straw-yellow color and greenish reflections; Complex with high acidity, floral and fruity aromas, along with a mineral and saline character.
It is often compared to other high-quality white wines such as Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. However, its unique flavour profile and distinct characteristics make it a wine that stands out on its own. Overall, Verdicchio di Matelica is a wine that is highly valued by wine enthusiasts and is considered one of the finest white wines from Italy.



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